“The priceless value of first aid” by Frederic Boyer

July 22, 2021

The importance of first aid in the Movement (edito of the Global First Aid Reference Centre Newsletter)

“All around the globe, first aid staff and volunteers of the Red Cross and Red Crescent make sure to deliver their help, even in the remotest areas, and train people in order to build safer and healthier communities. I myself was trained in first aid when I joined the French Red Cross. I’ve discovered the priceless value of first aid and the incredible dedication of first aiders within our National Society, whose achievements are recognised by all, including the public authorities. That is one of the reasons why I am glad to host the Global First Aid Reference Centre in our department at the French Red Cross.  It is an important asset for us, as we aspire for a Movement-centred approach and wish to operate in harmony with every National Society.

Connecting with communities

Beyond the obvious value of first aid from a health perspective, I realised that it was also an extraordinary vector when it comes to connecting with communities that are isolated and often reluctant to any type of help. First aid allows for relationships of trust, as no one can deny its value and usefulness. I had the opportunity to witness this in my first position with the French Red Cross when I was in charge of domestics operations, and in my endeavours with the International Committee of the Red Cross. During missions in violent areas, such as in Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo) or in South Nigeria, we sometimes struggled to get in touch with local armed groups, who refused to talk to both institutions and foreign NGOs. However, on several occasions, we managed to communicate with them by offering first aid training. These trainings were a gateway to a more extensive collaboration: they allowed us to access communities in remote areas, set up mobile clinics and several health projects, as well as discuss critical subjects such as the importance of respecting the fundamental rules of International Humanitarian Law or Human Rights. Here lies the power of first aid.

A key role to play in the 2022 General Assembly

We are now looking forward to the upcoming 2022 General Assembly of the IFRC, and you, the National Societies and first aid programmers will have a key role to play in revising and updating the IFRC first aid policy, and repositioning first aid back at the heart of the movement’s strategy in regards of the IFRC First Aid Vision 2030.

Enjoy reading this second newsletter and we look forward to working with you! “



Frédéric Boyer

Director of International Relations and Operations, French Red Cross

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