Frequently Asked Questions

We hope this page answers some of your questions! If not, please email us at

How do I donate?

Your donation helps us to deliver lifesaving support to millions of people around the world. Our staff and volunteers are often the first ones on the ground when a disaster occurs and they continue to work alongside communities to rebuild and recover. Head to the Donate page.

Where will I find the 2020 first aid guidelines?

You can read all the guidelines here on this platform – we suggest you start on the main landing page The Guidelines.

You can also down the PDF version of the guidelines – click here.

What is Trainer of Trainers?

Organised by the GFARC Team, the Trainer of Trainers (ToT) course is designed to prepare experienced first aid trainers for the role of Trainer of Trainers (ToT).   This course will introduce candidates to the role and responsibilities of the ToT. Activities within the course will focus on further developing skills and knowledge collected by each candidate during their time as a first aid trainer, as well as expanding their coaching and mentoring abilities which, will be critical when supporting first aid trainer candidates. To organise a course in your National Society or for a group of National Sociaty, contact us.

What is IFAA?

It’s a Global first aid reference centre programme, International First Aid Attestation. Only National Societies can enroll this process for their first aid trainings. More information can be found here:

International First Aid Attestation

What support is available to help me implement the Guidelines in my National Society?

There is some support to turn the evidence into action available on the platform. It will take you through some key steps such as adaptation, contextualisation and implementation. You can also contact the First Aid Reference Centre.

Who do I contact if I have a question or problem?

If something is broken on the site (a link doesn’t work, you can’t download a resource etc), or you want to assist with the language translation of the site, please email

How can I add first aid news and events to the platform?

Please submit your details into the form below. Please add your email address so we can get in touch with you.

Where can I book a first aid training course?

Use the training directory to find your local National Society.

Where I can find first aid online courses?

The GFARC has three courses hosted in the IFRC learning portal. You need to register first and then search the first aid course here. For building yourself online courses, you can use the our resources freely.

What changes have there been to the Guidelines since the last version was released in 2016?

There have been considerable revisions and updates to the 2016 content. Some of the key changes are summarised in the What’s new document.