
Your donation helps us to deliver lifesaving support to millions of people around the world. Our staff and volunteers are often the first ones on the ground when a disaster occurs and they continue to work alongside communities to rebuild and recover.

First aid saves livesMillions of people are hurt or killed every year due to lack of a timely response.

First aid a vital first stepproviding effective, swift action to help reduce injuries & deaths in response to both disasters & everyday emergencies.

  • After a disaster, 90% of lives are saved by local people.
  • After cardiac arrest, likelihood of survival decreases by 10% with each minute that passes.
  • More than 50% of road accident deaths occur within the first few minutes after the crash.

    First aid is empowering. It gives people the skills to help themselves and others, strengthening communities. 

    First aid is non-discriminatoryGiving first aid to injured people regardless of nationality was one of the first services provided by the  Red Cross 150 years ago.  


    First Aid is cost-effectiveIt reduces the severity of injuries, the high cost of medical treatment, and the long-term consequences for the injured

    We need your help to build resilient communities! 

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    Donate and help us to help others

    Why donate to the GFARC?

    Our mission is to save lives by increasing education and awareness in first aid and resuscitation, both for healthcare professionals and the general public. By donating, you’re helping us achieve that goal.

    How do we use your donations?

    We use donations to  fund projects that will make a change: awareness, context-based toolkits, first aid manuals, quality approach framework to enable having well- trained citizens, videos in many languages… Donations also help us provide crucial Research and Development for first aid, for healthcare professionals.

    See our main projects here.


    How can you donate?

    We welcome one-off, monthly and legacy donations, paid online by bank transfer. You can choose the amount you like.



    Please use this link if you would like to donate indicating the reference “global first aid reference centre”. Your donation can be done online and it’s a totally secured system.

    fiscal receipt will be delivered to French tax payers as it will allow them to reduce their taxes..

    • The donation page is in euros  (EUR) and contributions will be debited in the equivalent of your currency. For indicative currency conversions you can look here 


    Donate now!


     We thank you for all your support!


    Contact us if you want to get involved!