First Aid Community

The Red Cross Red Crescent Community Group offers a great opportunity for first aid colleagues to engage with and support one another from around the world. Discover how you can interact with one another in first aid.

We are all here to help and support one another!


Global First Aid Reference Centre

Facebook FA Community Group

Private group to post, engage and mentor.

YouTube Channel

Wide range of playlists and videos: Subscribe!


Read the latest international first aid development.

First Aid Heroes

 First aid saves lives, read and add testimonies!

Training Directory

Want to be a first aider or responder in one specific country? This page is for you!


Miss a newsletter? Want to read it again? Head here to search the newsletter archives and articles.


Webinars, training, meetings of the GFARC and RC/RC Societies. 

First aid glossary

Are you lost in our vocabulary? This page is for you to understand first aid terms (definitions, acronyms, abbreviations!)


Find and share first aid resources around the globe!

Reach out to us if you want to get involved!