Main projects

This space highlights the main projects that GFARC is leading at a global level with, and for National Societies, as well as IFRC Offices. They represent the pillars for implementing the first aid harmonisation concept. All the projects below are more deeply described on their own page, click on the links to learn more.

International first aid, resuscitation and education guidelines

based on a regular review of science, they are revised every five years. They are a reference for all National Societies to update their training tools.

International First Aid Attestation (IFAA)

as part of first aid harmonisation and continuous quality improvement, IFAA aims at recognising first aid training courses which are in accordance with the IFRC first aid scientific recommendations and pedagogical orientations.

Trainers of Trainers (ToT course)

this high-level course held by our team regionally enables us to increase the number of trainers of trainers within National Societies  as well as providing us the ability to renew the courses delivered by their respective National Society. 

Global first aid materials

for different audiences such as children, ageing people, trainers of trainers or related to subjects such as road safety, first aid at work…

Digital first aid tools

to promote the dissemination and teaching of first aid such as videos, online courses…



to collect data on accidents, legislation and on the number of people trained around the world… 


focusing on a key education question “What is effective training?” In order to answer this question, measuring tools as well as recommendations will be developed so that the learner feels confident enough to provide first aid.

Commercial first aid

We focus  on two aspects to support National Societies in this area: technical (adapted courses according to accidentology in the workplace)) and marketing (to enable income generation).