Theme: Advanced First Aid

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First Responder Training Course

7 modules organized in different sessions, materials included in the zip file. The INSARAG First Responder Training Programme was developed...

Flow chart Advanced Life Support

The Photo is describing an algorithm for Adult Advanced life support.

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Videos on traumatic injuries makeup

Produced by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), these videos will teach you how to apply makeup to...

First Responders Training Package

A training package with modules developed by experienced practitioners from both International Urban Search and Rescue Advisory Group (United Nations...

General process of intervention and evaluation of the patient

This document aims to present general principles of intervention and assessment for emergency responders. Assessment encompasses a multitude of key...

Wound Care Protocol in the field

Material from Doctors without Borders (Médecins sans frontières). Evidence-based protocol that can be used on field missions in different environment.

Video: Hypothermia

Video on behaviour to adopt.

Chest pain: angina

Video outlining how to help someone with chest pain.


Conduite à tenir (personnes âgées et adultes) - par le Centre Mondial de Référence des Premiers Secours, en partenariat avec...

Video: broken leg

First aid video outlining how to treat someone with a broken leg.

First aid: emergency drag

First aid video demonstrating how and when to use an emergency dragging technique. Vídeo de primeros auxilios en el que...

First aid: house fire

Video outlining what action to take in the event of a fire. Un vídeo de primeros auxilios que explica cómo...

First aid: road accident

First aid video showing how to secure a road accident and ensure everyone is safe. Vídeo de primeros auxilios que...

First aid: Jellyfish sting

First aid video about how to treat someone who has just suffered a jellyfish sting. Vídeo de primeros auxilios sobre...

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