[COVID-19] – Working with ageing people

October 30, 2020

COVID-19 – Working with ageing people

April 29 2020

We are glad to share resources for ageing population gathered in the interim guidance for Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers working with older people during COVID-19. You can find these resources on the GO platform.

The documents consists of the following sections:

  1. Guidance for staff and volunteers on how to engage and communicate with older people
  2. Key messages for older people – those can also be found in the separate word document – and can be adjusted according to the needs and context of the National Society
  3. Resources: a list of resources and tools to refer to if you need additional materials

The guidance was produced by IFRCs Europe team for health, PSS, PGI and CEA in direct cooperation with colleagues from IFRC Geneva and in consultation with NSs in Europe and some other regional teams. 

We enclosed also our training “first aid for older people”. 

We hope this will be of use for now but your feedback and further suggestions to the document are most welcome!

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